Linden Honey
The colour of linden honey varies from light yellow to amber. The solid consistency bursts with a strong and intense fragrance of linden flowers. The delicate and pleasant flavour resembles the scents of fresh mint, lemon-balm, and menthol. This honey is a favourite due to its healing properties. It is also one of our most valued honey varieties.
When linden honey is freshly harvested from the beehive, it can have a greenish tinge. However, it crystallises to a traditional yellow or light amber colour over time. It helps with colds and is used to promote sweating and to soothe sore throats. Due to its natural antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it is often used to treat bronchitis and rhinitis, as well as digestive issues, such as colitis and gastritis. Linden honey also boasts certain calming properties, which makes it beneficial for insomnia or increased stress. Linden honey is rich with vitamins, including vitamin B (B1, B2, B5, B6), vitamin C, vitamin H, vitamin PP, biotin, niacin, and more than 40 different micronutrients and macronutrients, including, potassium, calcium, sulphur, copper, iodine, aluminium, nickel, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, manganese, zinc, cobalt, etc.
In addition to all other components present in honey, it offers therapeutic benefits to our health.