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  1. Honey types
  2. Wildflowers Amber Honey

Wildflowers Amber Honey

Wildflowers Amber Honey is collected throughout the summer from many different meadow flowers. Its colour ranges from yellow to yellowish brown. Its fragrant flavour can also range from mild to moderate or even strong sweetness. Honey collected at the end of summer is darker and has a bolder taste. The consistency is solid with small and/or large crystals. It is also known as the summer flower honey.

 4.00 8.00

Wildflowers Amber Honey

Wildflowers Amber Honey is collected throughout the summer from many different meadow flowers. Its colour ranges from yellow to yellowish brown. Its fragrant flavour can also range from mild to moderate or even strong sweetness. Honey collected at the end of summer is darker and has a bolder taste. The consistency is solid with small and/or large crystals. It is also known as the summer flower honey.

In Lithuania, the main honey flow takes around 3 to 4 months. Honey that is harvested in summer goes darker in colour and its flavour grows richer and stronger depending on how late it was harvested. It has all the properties of Light Wildflower Honey, but a different consistency and flavour. This honey is from the main honey flow in Lithuania. It is a very common variety of honey that is appreciated for the diversity of flavours and summer flower nectars.


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About the online store

We have been successfully cooperating with the best Lithuanian beekeepers and apiaries for over twenty years. During this time, we have exported an impressive amount of top-quality apiculture products.

However, all these products melted away into one honey pot. We have opened this online store to give a wider user base a chance to enjoy our products that are appreciated all around the world. We hope that you will enjoy our variety honey and that we will see you again and again, browsing the shelves of our store.

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