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  1. Honey types
  2. Buckwheat Honey

Buckwheat Honey

The flavour of buckwheat honey is sharp due to its special nutritional properties. It is generally collected from buckwheat fields in late summer. The colour ranges from brown to dark brown. It has an unusual and sharp fragrance. It is rich in iron and other micronutrients.

 5.00 10.00

Buckwheat Honey

The flavour of buckwheat honey is sharp due to its special nutritional properties. It is generally collected from buckwheat fields in late summer. The colour ranges from brown to dark brown. It has an unusual and sharp fragrance. It is rich in iron and other micronutrients.

This sharply flavoured honey is very distinctive, plenty tasty and offers health benefits. It is one of the darker honey varieties. Its appearance and taste are unlike any other more common varieties of honey. Some describe the flavour as similar to caramel. It is highly valued for its sharp flavour and health benefits, albeit it may not be everybody’s cup of tea – it’s definitely a connoisseur’s honey. Compared to other honey varieties, buckwheat honey also contains more iron, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

It has been scientifically proven that dark honey, such as buckwheat, contains more antioxidants than light honey. Some experts claim that buckwheat honey contains the same level of antioxidants as many vegetables and fruits that are valued for their antioxidant properties.

Due to containing a large amount of polyphenols, this is an excellent weapon against high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular diseases and anaemia. Antioxidants fight the damage caused by free radicals, thus boosting the immune system. Unsurprisingly, buckwheat honey is regularly used to treat stomach disorders, infections, and even sickness caused by radiation.


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We have been successfully cooperating with the best Lithuanian beekeepers and apiaries for over twenty years. During this time, we have exported an impressive amount of top-quality apiculture products.

However, all these products melted away into one honey pot. We have opened this online store to give a wider user base a chance to enjoy our products that are appreciated all around the world. We hope that you will enjoy our variety honey and that we will see you again and again, browsing the shelves of our store.

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