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  1. Honey types
  2. Forest Flowers Honey

Forest Flowers Honey

This honey has a sharp taste and a very pleasant aroma. It comes in dark, yellow-gold, dark brown, and light grey colours. It is collected from the nectar of wild forest trees, shrubs, and flowers. The consistency varies from solid to slightly soft and creamy.

 6.00 12.00

Forest Flowers Honey

This honey has a sharp taste and a very pleasant aroma. It comes in dark, yellow-gold, dark brown, and light grey colours. It is collected from the nectar of wild forest trees, shrubs, and flowers. The consistency varies from solid to slightly soft and creamy.

The beehives for harvesting this honey are built next to or in the woods. Generally, forest flower honey has a slight bitterness and a pleasant herbal aroma. Forest flowers honey combines the beneficial properties of many plants, including medicinal herbs. This honey variety is very valuable in terms of its healing properties and nutrient content. It is rich with vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, PP, K, E) and minerals that have a positive effect on almost all body organs. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties.

Forest flowers honey helps increase haemoglobin and tone the body. It is recommended for insomnia. It is also beneficial for the prevention and treatment of colds.


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About the online store

We have been successfully cooperating with the best Lithuanian beekeepers and apiaries for over twenty years. During this time, we have exported an impressive amount of top-quality apiculture products.

However, all these products melted away into one honey pot. We have opened this online store to give a wider user base a chance to enjoy our products that are appreciated all around the world. We hope that you will enjoy our variety honey and that we will see you again and again, browsing the shelves of our store.

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